Cleaning in Leeds
Browse our Leeds directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Cleaning in Leeds. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Leeds Cleaning listings. If you represent a Leeds business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 3 of 3 |
Domestic cleaning Leeds: If you're looking for someone to do your domestic cleaning in Leeds we are here to help and you can now get a cleaner without having to pay ongoing agency...
15 Queen Square, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0845 467 1614
Cleaning For YOU
Cleaned for you Cleaning Services also offers a range of professional commercial cleaning services in Leeds. We deal with both large and small companies working to an exceptionally high standard. Our...
64 Northcote Vrescent, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07889636303
Carpet Cleaner Leeds
If you are looking for professional carpet cleaning companies in and around Leeds look no further than Carpet Cleaner Leeds. For commercial offices we can provide a certified COVID 19 fogging clean....
41 Richmond Mount, Headingley, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0113 733 6393
Results 1 to 3 of 3 |
- Access Equipment
- Air Conditioning & Ventilation
- Bathrooms
- Bedrooms
- Building & Construction
- Carpets & Rugs
- Cleaning
- Conservatories
- Curtains & Blinds
- Do-It-Yourself
- Doors & Windows
- Electrical
- Fireplaces & Chimneys
- Flooring
- Furniture
- Garden & Gardening
- Heating & Insulation
- Household Appliances
- Household Stores
- Interior Design
- Kitchens
- Lights & Lighting
- Painting & Decorating
- Pest Control
- Plumbing
- Pools, Spas, Saunas & Solariums
- Roofing
- Safety & Security
- Utilities
- Waste & Recycling