Massage Therapists in Leeds

Browse our Leeds directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Massage Therapists in Leeds. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Leeds Massage Therapists listings. If you represent a Leeds business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.

Leeds Massage Therapists
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Results 1 to 4 of 4
  • Circle 8 Massage

    Circle 8 massage combine Personal Training, Corrective Exercise and Advanced massage qualifications together meaning we have a very in depth understanding of the human body. Here at Circle8 we can...

    2nd Floor, 3 Lower Briggate, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0113 403 3391

    Circle 8 Massage
  • Morgan Sports Therapy

    Morgan Sports Therapy offers professional treatment and training in Sports & Remedial Massage. Catering for everyone from injured professional athletes to office workers with postural problems. So if...

    11 Valley Gardens, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07801 356361

    Morgan Sports Therapy
  • Swedish Sports Massage

    Swedish Sports Massage is located in Leeds, a commercial location just next to Leeds city center. Our aim is to get you treated for ongoing aches and pains. We can treat a specific injury or ache by...

    Unit 75 Flexspace, Burley Road, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07467617859

    Swedish Sports Massage
  • Rosa Thai Massage

    In the traditional Thai massage process, joints are opened, muscles and tendons are stretched, internal organs are toned, and energy is balanced. Book authentic Thai massage therapy with Rosa Thai...

    164 Kirkstall Hill, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07922 881 689

    Rosa Thai Massage
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