Caterers in Leeds
Browse our Leeds directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Caterers in Leeds. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Leeds Caterers listings. If you represent a Leeds business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
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Mister Softee
Whippy & Scoop ice cream, lollies, ice cream sundaes, thick shakes and more. WE ARE NUMBER 1 FOR MR WHIPPY STYLE ICE CREAM VAN HIRE, BASED IN LEEDS, WEST YORKSHIRE. Forget the rest try the best....
43 Boggart Hill Gardens, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07429 183432
Whitefox Catering & Buffet Services
Catering/buffet service covering Leeds, Wakefield, Bradford, Castleford and surrounding areas. Low prices guaranteed. Price includes cutlery, plates, napkins, etc. Delivery and set up on day/evening...
9 Kensington Gardens, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 07746 951561
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