Clothing & Accessories in Leeds
Browse our Leeds directory for businesses and orgranisations relating to Clothing & Accessories in Leeds. Our directory is new and currently expanding to provide more Leeds Clothing & Accessories listings. If you represent a Leeds business or organisation, you can get listed in our directory for free - join our network or find out more about our free advertising services.
Results 1 to 2 of 2 |
Crafty 'n' Clothy
An online store selling a range of eco-friendly products for the family & home. I provide free cloth nappy advice tailored to your circumstances and can do demos in Leeds. We stock a wide range of...
25 Albert Drive, Morley, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0113 252 3158
Ben Sherman: Plectrum by the Hip Store
Having existed for 5 decades the Ben Sherman shirt and mens clothing ranges have been adopted by almost every youth culture or style movement of the last 5 decades, and is today still worn by the...
11 Thorntons Arcade, Leeds, West Yorkshire. Tel: 0113 242 4617
Results 1 to 2 of 2 |
- Antiques
- Books
- Clothing & Accessories
- Alterations & Repairs
- Army Surplus Stores
- Baby Clothing & Accessories
- Children's Clothes
- Clothes Hire
- Clothing Manufacturers & Wholesalers
- Dressmakers
- Fancy Dress
- Handbags, Luggage & Accessories
- Knitwear Retailers
- Leather Garments
- Lingerie & Hosiery Retailers
- Men's Clothes
- School Uniforms
- Shoe Manufacturers & Wholesalers
- Shoe Repairs
- Shoe Shops
- Specialist Clothing Shops
- T-shirts
- Tailors
- Uniforms
- Women's Clothes
- Workwear
- Department Stores
- Discount Shopping
- Electrical Goods
- Flowers & Gifts
- Jewellery
- Leisure & Hobbies
- Mobile Phones
- Music Shops & Companies
- Musical Instruments
- New Age Shops
- Newsagents
- Retail Services
- Shopping From Home
- Shopping Venues
- Toys & Games
- Weddings